Meet the Researchers: ESR14 Andrés ALONSO PÉREZ

After receiving his Bachelor of Science Degree in Aerospace Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) in 2020 and going through an internship in the Spanish Airforce, Andrés decided to make a jump in his career to the world of Data, receiving the MSc. in Data Science Degree from UPM in 2021. Later, after combining his part-time work in industry with his part-time work as a researcher at UPM, he made his biggest leap yet, choosing to pursue his PhD at TU Dublin as a fellow of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions.

About his CISC Research he says

For my PhD, in the field of Neuroergonomics, and with the help of the Belgrade-based start-up mBrainTrain, I am developing deep data representation methods for Electroencephalograms (EEG), that can be used with Artificial Intelligence (AI) models to assess the mental workload and, potentially, give an insight into the task allocation problem. I am also doing research on the implementation of AI in the manufacturing industry, where the human is the centre of a collaboration with the AI that has the potential of making the labour more bearable.


May 2022: Data analysis of automated tasks in the manufacturing industry: preliminary report
September 2022 ESREL PAPER: Modifying a manufacturing task for Teamwork between humans and AI: initial data collection to guide requirements specifications

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