
CISC is a Marie Curie Training Network funded by the European Commission to hire and train Early Stage Researchers (ESR) or PhD student as Collaborative Intelligence Scientists with the expertise and skillset necessary to carry-out the major tasks required to develop a Collaborative Intelligence system.
On this page, you may find the current studies and experiments carried out within the project and the description of the LiveLab. Check them below!

Human-robot interaction study - ESR 8

This study aims to investigate how human performance is affected by changes to the human-machine interface of a telerobotic system, by monitoring several body signals (brain- and eye). The body signals will also be used to train a predictive model, to identify ahead of time the internal state of the user (mental/cognitive state that can impact the task performance).
Want to know more? Check the experiment here.

Assessing Operator Response to Critical Alarms During Plant Upsets - TU Dublin

Using state-of-the-art technology, the study will explore the cognitive factors that impact operator performance during alarm handling and process control. What will the experiment involve? Testers will be asked to complete a task involving alarm handling and process control simulation while wearing an EEG cap and and eye tracker.
Interested? Check the experiment here.