CISC at ESREL 2022

The European Conference on Safety and Reliability

CISC and Teaming-AI EU projects will present their research progress and results during ESREL 2022 – the European Conference on Safety and Reliability, to show how AI and human can collaborate in the framework of Industry 4.0 applications.

Motivation: The European Commission’s guidelines on ethics in artificial intelligence (AI), published in April 2019, recognised the importance of a ‘human-centric’ approach to AI that is respectful of European values. Dedicated training schemes to prepare for the integration of “human-centric” AI into European innovation and industry are now needed. AIs should be able to collaborate with (rather than replace) humans. Safety critical applications of AI technology are “human- in-the-loop” scenarios, where AI and humans work together, as manufacturing processes, IoT systems, and critical infrastructures. The concept of Collaborative Intelligence is essential for safety critical situations and it requires interdisciplinary approaches blending expertise across AI, Human Factors, Neuroergonomics and System Safety Engineering.

Objective: This special session aims to provide an overview of approaches and use cases in smart manufacturing scenarios where AI technologies are shaping them by introducing greater customisation and personalisation of products and services and where, at the same time, the human performance aspect is also still very relevant. Therefore the session aims to share current interim development of new human and AI teaming frameworks in manufacturing processes where the greatest strengths of both these elements can be maximised while safety and ethical compliance guidelines are examined and maintained.

Registrations are now open: click here to access the full programme and secure your spot at ESREL 2022!

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